June – Annual Ceremonial Review

Reminder, we have our 51st Annual Ceremonial Review this Tuesday at 1900hrs. The cadets and staff took time to create a comprehensive video to showcase their achievements, present awards and say farewell to cadets leaving the program.  Please log in with your family, to the Main Deck, to view the presentations.

Not sure what we will be showing you?  Have a look at this years trailer that has been posted to YouTube.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

June Routine Orders

Here are June Routine Orders, they list upcoming training days, additional meetings and special team notices.

Welcome to the last full month of the cadet year. This month is a busy month for us as we prepare for our Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) on June 15, 2021 at 1700hrs.

NOTE: if you haven’t done so, please turn in any outstanding assignments

Our last official parade day is June 8th, note that Marksmanship will still be meeting on June 9th.  We will keep you updated of any changes in upcoming events.

The cadets have done an amazing job this year and the staff couldn’t be more proud of the incredible work that has been accomplished in this 2020-2021 cadet year.  Thank you again parents for all your hard work and dedication with ensuring your cadets remain a part of this program.

May Routine Orders

Here are May Routine Orders, they list upcoming training days, additional meetings and special team notices.

This month the theme is Patriotism, remember to check the website and other social media outlets for more information about any events that are coming up.   For this month we will be focusing on what it means to be a Patriot.

If you have any questions please contact us for assistance.